
Hi, I’m Gloria. For the past 28.999 years of my life I’ve been checking in with my moother. When I went away to college and later moved away from my hometown to live and be a big girl with my husband, I would call my mother several times a day. The few times that I did not check in within a twenty four hour period, my moother would call me and when I answered her first words to me would be, “Is everything okay? I hadn’t heard from you. I thought you might be dead,”  a true testament to her belief that she’d taught me the basic skills of survival.

My mother was probably the only person on the planet that I could discuss fashion, politics, books, and cooking. Sometimes, I’d call her to discuss the State of the Union address or the cold open for Saturday Night Live. She helped me stay connected to my Italian and Canadian roots while living in the American South which has been a challenge to find foods and people who understand and can help me celebrate my rich heritage. She constantly gave me advice and always showed me ways to be a kinder more compassionate person.

For the past seven and half years, my moother battled sarcoma, a cancer of the soft-muscle tissue. On February 7, 2013, at 4:30 in the morning she died. Since I can’t call her anymore, despite my deep yearning to, I’ll be checking in with her here.

All writing and photos belong to me, Gloria. It may not be used by anyone anywhere without my written consent.

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