Archive | July, 2014

July 4, 2014

4 Jul

Hello Moother,

I can’t believe a year has passed since I last wrote. 

Moother, you have a perfect grandson. He is the most wonderful baby, ever. He sleeps through the night, and already, at nearly 7 months, he already has so much personality. He is happy and has the best laugh. It pains me to leave him when I go to work. I’m grateful to have summer with him.

Justin and I will be taking him to Portland for a wedding, and I’m so thrilled that he’ll be meeting his West Coast family. 

Not that I’m a mother–it doesn’t feel like I’m a mother only like I’ve been babysitting for an eternity; I don’t know how to explain it; I know Little Man is my son, but it still feels like babysitting, probably because it is; I have even more questions for you. 

I think I’m doing a decent job. I try my very best to be patient and kind. 

I just wish you could hold him and squeeze him and spoil him. 

For a while, I admit with guilt, I was pushing away my thoughts of missing you, but recently I haven’t been able to. i’m not doing so well holding back my grief. 

Love you,